10 Facts About Newlove

First , Newlove has dark skin.
This is because, she marched for quite a long time when she was young. (She is still young anyway~)
After than, she rides a lot.
Hence, she is always dark and sunshine(according to her classmates)

Second,Newlove has small eyes.
But, her eyelashes is about 1.2 cm.
Her mum did it.
She cut the little Newlove's eyelashes when she was baby.
Anyway, Newlove likes it.
Blink blink~~hehe ^^

Third, Newlove is short and rounder.
Some says: It is nice to hold and hug when u r fleshy.
This says influence her a lot.
So, she feeds herself more and more.
As a result, she is like a gummy bear now, nice to hug.

Fourth, Newlove can't draw.
She is a "画画白痴".
She paints but she can't control the drawing pencil.
But she hopes to draw something for herself someday.
Something keep inside her mind.

Fifth, Newlove is not a lesbian.
She loves guys and little baby boys.
But she loves her wives from her true heart too.
She is normal so please don't bully her!

Sixth, Newlove cries whenever she wants.
But she does it when no one is around.
Perhaps in the toilet or under her pillow.
She is an aquarius, she has plenty of tears to flood herself.
Therefore, she usually watches sad movies to clear her tear glands.

Seventh, Newlove can't play any musical instruments.
But she sings a lot.
Ans she WILL learn something for herself oneday!
She wants to get herself a beautiful guitar, for display.
So that she could sing "Tear Drops On My Guitar" someday~

Eighth, Newlove likes to pretend.
She pretends that she is a good, great student.
She pretends to smile and laugh.
She pretends to be strong and tough.
She pretends that she is the one and only Newlove in the world.
But yes, she is the only stupid Newlove in the world who is unable to pretend that she is not careless.>.<

Ninth, Newlove believes 99% of your words.
It is too easy for you to cheat her.
So, just in case you wanna cheat her, please don't tell her the truth .
Don't let her be the last one to know the truth.
Because once she knows...
She bites!

Tenth, Newlove dreams a lot.
Her mind is too hardworking that she can't stop thinking even during sleeping time.
This is not her fault, she can't control it.
Anyway, she mixs up her dreams and confuse herself will all sort of imagination.
Dreams decorate her life with colours and boms.
Boooooom!!!! Ting Ting Ting~
______________________________________The End XD
