NEWLOVE e-mail virus
We hereby inform you that a new virus is circulating by e-mail : the Newlove e-mail virus, very similar to "ILOVEYOU" or "LOVELETTER" from 4 May.
The virus contains a similar working Microsoft Visual Basic-script which is reported to be even more destructive than the ILOVEYOU virus.
This virus is also more difficult to recognize as it does not necessarily identify itself by its subject, though the virus is reported to arrive in an email message with this format:
Subject: Starts with "FW: " and is either a name from the Recent Documents folder or a random name Message: Empty Attachment: Is the randomly-selected VBS filename from the Windows folder
Do not open this attachment as it may auto-execute itself and send itself immediately by e-mail to your contact persons in your addressbook. It is reported to use Microsoft Outlook to send copies of itself.
It is also said that if the user runs the attachment the virus runs using the Windows Scripting Host program. This program is not normally present on Windows 95 or Windows NT unless Internet Explorer 5 is installed.
Other details can be found on the NAI site
All major anti-virus programs will likely release new antivirus data files in the coming hours. McAfee users will find the latest DAT files on the Softweb site.
Feel free to contact the User Support at the Computing Centre if you require assistance, by e-mail at
VUB/ULB Computing Centre, 19 May 2000Email: User Support Group
NEWLOVE e-mail virus
We hereby inform you that a new virus is circulating by e-mail : the Newlove e-mail virus, very similar to "ILOVEYOU" or "LOVELETTER" from 4 May.
The virus contains a similar working Microsoft Visual Basic-script which is reported to be even more destructive than the ILOVEYOU virus.
This virus is also more difficult to recognize as it does not necessarily identify itself by its subject, though the virus is reported to arrive in an email message with this format:
Subject: Starts with "FW: " and is either a name from the Recent Documents folder or a random name Message: Empty Attachment: Is the randomly-selected VBS filename from the Windows folder
Do not open this attachment as it may auto-execute itself and send itself immediately by e-mail to your contact persons in your addressbook. It is reported to use Microsoft Outlook to send copies of itself.
It is also said that if the user runs the attachment the virus runs using the Windows Scripting Host program. This program is not normally present on Windows 95 or Windows NT unless Internet Explorer 5 is installed.
Other details can be found on the NAI site
All major anti-virus programs will likely release new antivirus data files in the coming hours. McAfee users will find the latest DAT files on the Softweb site.
Feel free to contact the User Support at the Computing Centre if you require assistance, by e-mail at
VUB/ULB Computing Centre, 19 May 2000Email: User Support Group


PC Security: The Virus Is In The Blood
5 条评论:
Awwww don't worry, we still love you, virus or not =)
thanks guys.
haha, discover it accidentally eh.
fun right?
Yeap it's sure is fun~XD