White Season 2010


I discover a new place in Penang.

Well , perhaps it exists for quite a long time already, but it is new for me!

What a fabulous place, it is really beautiful.
I think it is a new port if not mistaken?


Aha, I love candies...but they are just for decorations lol.

Christmas tree!!!
I always want one for myself~

Oh yea, almost forgot why I was there.

I was there to support my choir team for their carolling.
Hehe...Christmas is coming.

Singing in Straits Quay will be fun.
I am joining them for the next performance.
Can't wait to be part of the carolling team.
I always want to try this, since I was small...

The huge christmas tree is amazing.
I am so tiny under the tree.

This is a smaller one.
Nicholas and Mounawier are cute too!

Before we left, we managed to catch these sweet pictures!
Happy yea~
I just love to share with them.

Well, I never enter the herritage room of our school.
It is definately new and COLD~
The principal was having another farewell in there.
We had our free delicious dinner/supper there too.
The carolists sang again.
It looked like a restaurant from this view, haha.

The night ended in peace and with the warm smiles from the people.
The white season is coming again.

I am making a wish for you.
