I went back to PTHS with Pati girl.
It was an excited journey.
We were rushing and kinda enjoying too, haha ^^
I was trying to look for my chinese teacher,
bt she wasn't there anymore, so sad.
I want to share my Form 6 life with her lol~
Anyway....we met most of the teachers who taught us before.
Some become older...some still remain the same.
Some remember us...some were busying with their stuffs.
Some said I becoms thinner...some said I changed.
Well, I am still me, may be talk more compared to before?
I miss my teachers....
Hopefully I can visit them once more.
Oh yea...this is a dustbin.
Special dustbin , because it says: Sponsored by YE 2007!
We are the YE 2007, haha!
But I guess most of us don't know about this...
I think, our lovely teacher advisors did that for us.
Kind of memorable lo...and touched!
After that, I went to Pati girl's house , again!
I don't like her dog, Takara and Brownie~
They bite lol~
Her room is still the same, messy and messy, haha.
But I love that, natural ma ^^
Discover her cute handicraft...forget made in which year d.
It is covered with dust....
But I remember that cute thing...forks n spoons..haha
She is a creative girl. =)
And I really have to thank her mum for everything.
And the small gifts too! ^^
I love hanging around with Pati Pati~
Especially in her working shop.....haha XD
Thank you for being with me today =)